It’s common for people to put things off or not respect their commitments. Sometimes, it’s because the initial goal was so unrealistic to start with. You often feel disappointed over broken promises or an acute sense of failure over not meeting your goals. Sometimes, you fail because you are afraid to ask for some sort of support.

It can be especially true when it comes to giving up smoking cigarettes. Quitting smoking is a difficult task both mentally and emotionally. It can seem like an intense ordeal for your body to overcome a smoking habit.
Some Important Facts about Nicotine
Getting support from your healthcare provider can offer you counseling and medication to improve your chances for quitting successfully. Hypnosis can be an effective tool in learning to cope with the urges to smoke once you’ve made the decision to quit once and for all.
Giving up on Cigarettes Takes More than Just Willpower
For those who smoke, quitting this bad habit is more than just a matter of willpower. There’s nothing to be ashamed of if you go back to a cigarette. Smokers often attempt to quit multiple times before they find success. With every attempt you make, it’s important to remember that a slip up doesn’t mean failure; instead every smoke-free day should be considered as success.
It can be really hard to think of the long term benefits of quitting smoking, especially when the short term urges are nagging and loud. You may have failed in past attempts to quit; but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it this time around.
Quitting smoking successfully is physically, mentally and behaviorally challenging behavior. If you’ve tried quitting smoking in the past; but it has not worked, don’t despair as there are many tools and resources available for you to quit.
Nicotine is highly addictive.
Nicotine helps in stimulating pleasure centering in the brain and is highly addictive. When nicotine gets discontinued, you may experience short term (about 3 days) physical withdrawal symptoms which include:
Flu-like aches and discomfort
Smoke cravings
Sleep related problems
Difficulty in focus
Sore throat, tongue and gums
Cough and chest tightness
Psychological Aspects of Smoking
The psychological behavioral aspects of smoking can be challenging to overcome like the physical dependence. If you seek motivation to help you quit, know that you aren’t alone. The good news is that giving up on cigarettes can be as easy as breaking an old habit.
Final Consideration
It’s time to give yourself and your loved one a chance to give up smoking for good. The moment you are finally smoke free is the moment you’ve achieved success for your health and well being. Becoming smoke-free is a journey that you take day after day one step at a time. If you need help to quite smoking, you should get in touch with Kuiper Hypnosis today. For more information, please visit our website at